Glass Slipper, Col Lawton and Wez BK brings us our twentieth instalment “Love & Logic”. Two Deep Tech tracks, one a collaboration with our friends Lisa and Brad in Austin, Texas.
Love & Logic – when Col and Wez team up magic happens in the studio, then you throw in the talent which are glass slipper and a track which is deep and vocal appears. From the start of this track you know you’re going to like it with silky smooth vocals and melody which has you singing the vocals over and over again making such a hypnotic track. This is a must have and listen track.Product Description (long)
Love & Logic – when Col and Wez team up magic happens in the studio, then you throw in the talent which are Glass Slipper and a track which is deep and vocal appears. From the start of this track you know you’re going to like it with silky smooth vocals and melody which has you singing the vocals over and over again making such a hypnotic track. This is a must have and listen track.
The World is ours – more magic from the duo with a track that has you from the first press of play. A huge drive in this track which just drags you along with crazy warping synths and a hook of an arp. you need to listen to the message in the track and feel the power it gives you. Solid B side style of a track, watch out for more Col & Wez tracks.